Page 307 - كتاب تمريض نسا الاكتروني
P. 307


                             2) Introduction to Family Planning

                       Overall objectives:
                  By the end of the lecture every student should be able to:

                    •  Explain objectives of family planning methods.

                    •  Describe the health benefits of using family planning.

                    •  Demonstrate the benefits of using family planning methods.

                    •  Evaluate importance of family planning for improving the health of both

                       mothers and children.


                    1.  Introduction

                    2.  Definition of Family Planning Methods

                    3.  Objectives of Family Planning Methods

                    4.  Indications of Family Planning Methods

                    5.  Benefits of Using Family Planning Methods

                    6.  Qualities of Contraceptive Methods

                    7.  High Risk Group of Family Planning

                    8.  Types of Family Planning Methods

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