Page 340 - كتاب تمريض نسا الاكتروني
P. 340


                        5) Mechanical Family Planning Methods

                Overall objectives:
                  By the end of the lecture every student should be able to:

                   •  Explain mode of action of an intrauterine device (IUCD).

                   •  Describe the mechanism of action, effectiveness, advantages, disadvantages,

                       and indications for use of different mechanical family planning methods.

                   •  Differentiate between mechanical and chemical methods.

                   •  Plan visits for women after an intrauterine device insertion.

                   •  Demonstrate nursing instructions while using different mechanical methods

                       of family planning.

                   •  Follow steps of applying different mechanical methods as male and female

                       condoms, vaginal diaphragm, and cervical cap.

                   •  Evaluate importance of mechanical family planning for improving the health

                       of both mothers and children.

                   •  Value the importance of regular follow up  while using contraceptive

                       mechanical methods.

                Outline

                   1.  Introduction

                   2.  Definition of Mechanical Methods
                   3.  Types of Mechanical Methods

                       •  Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices (IUCD)

                       •  Condoms (Male & Female). Cervical Cap. Vaginal Diaphragm

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