Page 13 - Critical Maternity & Newborn Health Nursing
P. 13

3-Course specification based on competency:                                                        تﺎﯾﺎﻔﻜﻟا ﻰﻠﻋ ﻰﻨﺒﻤﻟا رﺮﻘﻤﻟا ﻒﯿﺻﻮﺗ

            Domain No. 1. Professional and Ethical Practice

    Competency        Key           Course             Subjects       Teaching          Media used      Assessmen

                     elements      Subjects           objectives     Methods                           t Methods
    1-1-              1.1.1     -   - Nursing Care     - Demonstra    -  Online         - PowerPoint    - Semester

    Competency       Demonstrat    for Bleeding in  te utilizing of  Learning              presentation    work  and

    Demonstrate      e utilizing of  Early            the             -  Group          - Video and  periodical
    knowledge,       the           Pregnancy          legislative    discussion  with  recording       practical

    understanding,  legislative     - Nursing Care  framework        a small group.    using,          exams
    responsibility   framework     for Bleeding in  and the role      -  Brain         Telegram,        - Midterm

    and              and  the role  Late Pregnancy  of the nurse  storming             Microsoft       exam

    accountability   of the nurse                     for   patient session                                                      al

    of the legal  and          its                    with bleeding   -  Case          Moodle, and  practical
    obligations for   regulatory                      during  early   scenario         Google          exam
    ethical nursing  functions.                       and       late  -  Practical     Classroom        - Final oral
    practice.                                         pregnancy.     skills             - Stimulators  exam
                                                                     (demonstration    of       body    - Final
                                                                     and               organs.         written

                                                                     redemonstration                   exam.

                                    Nursing Care       - Explain      - Online          - PowerPoint    - Semester

                                   for                the role of the  Learning              presentation    work  and

                                    - Gestational     nurse     and   - Group           - Video and  periodical
                                   Diabetes           utilizing  of discussion  with  recording        practical

                                    - PIH             the            a small group.    using,          exams
                                    - Heart           legislative     - Brain          Telegram,        - Midterm

                                   Diseases           framework      storming          Microsoft       exam

                                    - Hyperemesis   for  high risk  session
                                    - Anemia          groups          - Case scenario  Moodle, and
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