Page 22 - Critical Maternity & Newborn Health Nursing
P. 22

Domain No. 2. Holistic Patient-Centred Care

    Competency          Key          Course           Subjects’       Teaching          Media used      Assessment

                       elements     Subjects          objectives     Methods                           Methods
    2-1-                2.1.1.       Nursing Care     -  Conduct      -  Online         -  PowerPoint   - Semester

   Competency          Conduct      for               holistic and  Learning              presentation    work  and
   Provide holistic  holistic and    -  Gestationa    focused bio-    -  Group          -  Video and  periodical

   and     evidence- focused bio  l Diabetes          psychosocial  discussion  with  recording        practical

   based     nursing psychosoci      -  PIH           assessment     a small group.    using,          exams
   care in different  al       and   -  Heart         of health for   -  Brain         Telegram,        - Midterm

   practice settings.   environme   Diseases          high     risk storming           Microsoft       exam

                       ntal assess-  -  Hypereme      group during  session                                                      inal
                       ment     of  sis               pregnancy.      -  Case          Moodle, and  practical
                       health and    -  Anemia                       scenario          Google          exam
                       illness  in                                    -  Practical     Classroom        - Final oral
                       diverse                                       skills             -  Stimulators  exam
                       settings.                                     (demonstration    of body organs   - Final

                                                                     and                               written

                                                                     redemonstration                   exam.

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