Page 31 - Critical Maternity & Newborn Health Nursing
P. 31
promotion risk (demonstration Google - Final oral
and health pregnancy, and Classroom exam
education abnormal redemonstration) - Stimulator - Final
activities. labor, s of body written
postpartum organs exam.
, and care of
Domain No. 3. Manage People, Work Environment and Quality
Competenc Key Course Subjects Teaching Media Assessment
y elements Subjects objectives Methods used Methods
3-1- 3.1.1. Apply - - - - -
Competency leadership
Demonstrate skills to
effective manage
managerial personnel to
and maximize
leadership health,
skills in the independence
provision of and quality of
quality life for
nursing care. individuals,
families, and
3.1.2. Plan - Nursing Care - Plan and - Online - PowerPo - Semester
and for Abnormal implement Learning t work and
implement Pregnancy, change - Group presentation periodical
change Labor and conducive to discussion - Video practical
conducive to the with a and exams
30 Table of Contents