Page 230 - ترم ثاني كتاب تمريض صحة الام الكتروني
P. 230


                          adequate resuscitation of the infant:
                                 o  Airway

                                 o  Breathing
                                 o  Circulation
                             o       Warmth

                   Objectives of Immediate Care of the Newborn
                          •  To establish and maintain respiratory function.

                          •  To provide warmth and prevent hypothermia.
                          •  To ensure safety from injury and infection.

                   To identify actual and potential problems that might require immediate action
                       Assessment of the Infant's Condition
                          •  The airway: To clear the airway, hold the infant upside down for few

                          seconds and perform gentle suction to establish breathing, and improve
                          infant's color.
                          •  The APGAR Score: APGAR Score involves consideration of 5 signs,

                          and the degree to which they are present or absent. It is recorded at 1 and
                          5 minutes after birth

                                                        The APGAR Score
                    Sign                   0                    1                      2
                    Hear rate              Absent               Slow blew 100          Fast above 140

                    Respiration            Absent               Weak crying            Good crying
                        Reflex irritability  No response        Grimace                Good response

                                                                 Body           pink
                    Color                  Blue and pale                                   Completely pink
                                                                extremities blue

                   Total Score = 10                                        Normal= 7      –  10
                     Mild asphyxia = 4   6 -                             Severe asphyxia = 0     3 -

                          •  Warmth: It is very important to keep the infant warm at birth because
                          he will lose heat rapidly through evaporation. So, the labor room should
                          be warm and the infant should be dried gently and wrapped in a warm dry

                          towel to avoid exposure.

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