Page 308 - ترم ثاني كتاب تمريض صحة الام الكتروني
P. 308


                   •  Reduce outside activities that are strenuous.

                   •  Avoid supplementary hour feeds.

                   •  Nurse the baby every hour if necessary.

                   •  Nurse in a relaxed position.

                   •  Try to avoid distracting or up- setting situation while breast-feeding.

                   •  Breast-feed  just  as  the  baby  wakes  up  before  he  can  begin  crying  from


                   •  Have a warm or cool drink each time the baby is breast-fed.

               8)  Leaking of breast milk

                 ➢  Women  who  have  active  ejection  reflexes  often  find  that  breasts  leak  milk

                     during the first few weeks after delivery.

                  Nursing management:

                 ➢  The mother should put clean pieces of gauze or cloth inside the bra to soak up

                     the milk.

                 ➢  Change the clothes frequently.

                 ➢  Breast care frequently.

               9)  Perineal Discomfort

                 ➢  It usually occurs due to presence of tears, lacerations, episiotomy, and edema.

                  Nursing management:

                  •  Frequent perineal care under aseptic technique. (the area should be kept

                     clean and dry).

                  •  Soaks of magnesium sulfate compresses in case of edema

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