Page 71 - ترم ثاني كتاب تمريض صحة الام الكتروني
P. 71
2. The following are the internal organs of the female reproductive system:
a. The uterus, the bladder, vagina, and the appendix
b. The vagina, the cervix, the uterus, the fallopian tubes and the ovaries
c. The cervix, the uterus, the fallopian tubes and the ovaries
d. The vagina, the cervix, the balder, the uterus, the fallopian tubes and the ovaries
3. The clitoris is analogous in the male to the:
a. The foreskin
b. The prostate
c. The glans penis
d. Testicle
4. The Bartholin's glands are:
a. Essential to the menses
b. A pair of egg-shaped glandes
c. A pair of pea sized glands
d. Located in the uterus
5. The cervix is covered with a layer of skin like cells on its outer surface called the:
a. Ectocervix
b. Vagina
c. The mons cervix
d. The pubis
6. Menarche is:
a. The part of the menstrual cycle known as a period
b. The first menstrual period
c. The conclusion of menstrual periods when a woman is around 50
d. An ovulatory menstrual cycle
7. The pudenda are another term for:
a. The external genitals
b. The internal genitals
c. A collective term for the internal and external genitalia
d. The uterus
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