Page 7 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 7
Guided by his leadership, serving with dedication
Dr. Jagdish Gandhi was not just a founder; he was Every great soul that leaves us move into a
a visionary who believed in the power of ideas to dreamless sleep. Alone breathing and getting
change the world. His favourite quote by Victor dissolved with the Earth doesn't make a man
Hugo, “Nothing else in the world, not all the eternal. Our mentor, Dr. Gandhi since the inception
armies, is so powerful as an idea whose time has of this empire school, has ruled over millions of
come,” resonated deeply with me and still does. hearts and channelised the young blood towards the
He lived by the idea of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam— spiritual horizon. He had been the self appointed
the world is one family—and instilled it in every guardian of not only the students under him but also
aspect of our work at CMS. He reminded us that of countless children and teachers round the globe.
education is not just about knowledge but about He is point of fact eternal since generations ahead
nurturing a sense of unity and responsibility will study this peace activist in the history books of
toward humanity. His words, his vision, and his tomorrow. Dr Jagdish Gandhi was a natural
unwavering commitment to peace and global motivator of monumental capacity. His spiritual
harmony will always remain etched in my heart. cookies will be remembered over ages. I am
Being a part of his mission was not just a job—it exceedingly proud to have been nurtured by such a
was a calling, and I will forever feel grateful to spiritual giant as that of never erasable our
have walked this path under his guidance. magnanimous Dr. Jagdish Gandhi.
Nabeel Mohd Khan Shaswati Bhattacharya
Senior Teacher Senior Teacher
With gratitude from the Staff