Page 3 - Pricelist-2020
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         The language used in these books is simple and easy to follow. In addition, these books have a variety of competency-based learning
         activities. The well-drawn full colour illustrations in these books will excite learners and enhance learning.

           ISBN      TITLE                                      AUTHORS                  PRICE
           56-391-0  Great Minds English Language Activities Grade 2 PB  Joseph Maina, Nobert Ndisio  435.00
                                                                                           Language Activites 3.pdf   1   5/23/18   10:10 AM
                                                                                           English Language  COMPETENCY-BASED CURRICULUM, 2018
                                                                                            Activities   Great
           56-392-7  Great Minds English Language Activities Grade 2 TG  Joseph Maina, Nobert Ndisio  350.00  minds  Great  English Language
                                                                                             Pupil’s Book
                                                                                           Great Minds English Language Activities Grade 3, Pupil’s Book, is a
                                                                                           comprehensive course based on the new Competency-Based Curriculum,
                                                                                           2018 for primary schools. This course has been developed to enable learners
                                                                                           apply the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in their daily use of
                                                                                           language. This Grade 3 book is presented in a simple manner. Learners at
                                                                                                        Pupil’s Book
                                                                                           this level will enjoy using it. Here, the teacher becomes a facilitator of
                                                                                           learning and not simply a source of knowledge.
           56-302-6  Great Minds English Language Activities Grade 3 PB  Joseph Maina, Nobert Ndisio  385.00  English Language Activities   GRADE
                                                                                           The key features of this book include:
                                                                                           •  Relevant, well drawn full colour illustrations.
                                                                                            •  A simple approach to language and presentation that is easy to follow.
                                                                                           •  A variety of competency-based learner-centered activities that help
                                                                                            the learners to develop a wide range of skills.
                                                                                            learning process at home.
                                                                                           •  Suggestions for parents and teachers to be involved in the continuous
                                                                                            within this book.
                                                                                           •  Songs and poems that help the learners to understand the content
                                                                                            as they help each other to learn.
                                                                                           •  Indoor and outdoor activities that learners do in pairs and in groups
                                                                                           Language teachers with vast experience.
                                                                                           The book has an accompanying Teacher’s Guide. The authors are English
           56-303-3  Great Minds English Language Activities Grade 3 TG  Joseph Maina, Nobert Ndisio  350.00  Pupil’s Book
                                                                                             Cover Design: Nicholas Wachira
                                                                                            East African
                                                                                            ;ZkYWj[ š ;db_]^j[d š ;cfem[h
                                                                                           East African Educational Publishers  9 7 8 9 9 6 6 5 6 3 0 2 6  ;ZkYWj[ š ;db_]^j[d š ;cfem[h East African  Educational  Publishers  EAEP
                                                                                          /BJSPCJ t ,BNQBMB  t %BS FT 4BMBBN t ,JHBMJ t -VTBLB t -JMPOHXF
                                                                                                      Joseph Maina  •  Nobert Ndisio  APPROVED BY

         In a simple language that is easy to follow, these books offer the learner a variety of competency-based learning activities. These books also
         have well drawn full colour illustrations that will arouse the interest of the learners and enhance their desire to learn.
           ISBN     TITLE                           AUTHOR(S)                        PRICE
           56-304-0  Great Minds CRE Activities Grade 2  S. Muriithi , V. Makanda, Hellen Mwasiaji  280.00  COMPETENCY-BASED CURRICULUM, 2018
                                                                                                 Christian Religious  GRADE  Great minds
                                                                                                 Education Activities   Christian Religious
                                                                                                 Pupil’s Book
           56-305-7  Great Minds CRE Activities Grade 2 TG  S. Muriithi , V. Makanda, Hellen Mwasiaji  300.00  Great Minds Christian Religious Education Activities Grade 3, is a comprehensive   minds  Great  Education Activities
                                                                                                 course based on the new Competency-Based Curriculum, 2018 for Primary
                                                                                                 schools.  This  course has been  developed to  enable  learners to apply Biblical
                                                                                                 teachings in their daily lives. This Grade 3 book is presented in a simple manner.
                                                                                                          Pupil’s Book
                                                                                                 Learners at this level will enjoy using it. Here, the teacher becomes a facilitator of
                                                                                                 learning and not simply a source of knowledge.
                                                                                                 The key features of this book include:  GRADE
                                                                                                 •  A simple approach to language and presentation that is easy to follow.  Christian Religious Education Activities
                                                                                                 •   Relevant, well drawn full colour illustrations.
                                                                                                 •  A variety of competency - based learner - centered activities that help the
           56-378-1  Great Minds CRE Activities Grade 3 PB  S. Muriithi , V. Makanda, Hellen Mwasiaji  300.00  • Suggestions for parents and teachers to be involved in the continuous   Pupil’s Book GRADE
                                                                                                 learners to develop a wide range of skills.
                                                                                                 learning process at home.
                                                                                                 •  Songs,  poems,  Bible  verses  and  prayers  that  help  the  learners  to
                                                                                                 understand the content within this book.
                                                                                                 •  Indoor and outdoor activities that learners do in pairs and in groups as
                                                                                                 they help each other to learn.
                                                                                                 The book has an accompanying Teacher’s Guide. The authors are Christian Religious
                                                                                                 Education teachers with vast experience.
           56-379-8  CRE Activities Grade 3 TG      S. Muriithi , V. Makanda, Hellen Mwasiaji  300.00  /BJSPCJ t ,BNQBMB  t %BS FT 4BMBBN t ,JHBMJ t -VTBLB t -JMPOHXF  EAEP  Susan Muriithi • Vitalis Makanda •
                                                                                                  East African
                                                                                                 ;ZkYWj[ š ;db_]^j[d š ;cfem[h
                                                                                                 East African Educational Publishers
                                                                                                           Hellen Mwasiaji
                                                                                                        COMPETENCY-BASED CURRICULUM, 2018
                                                                                                 Great minds  Great
           ISBN        TITLE                                      AUTHOR                 PRICE   Mathematics  GRADE  Mathematics
                                                                                                 Pupil’s Book
                                                                                                Great Minds Mathematics Activities Grade 1,  Pupils  Book,  is  a   Activities
                                                                                                comprehensive course  book  based  on the  new  Competency-Based   Pupil’s Book  GRADE
                                                                                                Curriculum, 2018 for primary schools. This course book has is presented
          56-389-7     Great Minds Mathematical Activities Grade 1 PB  Joash Wamalwa     250.00  The key features of the book include:          Mathematics Activities
                                                                                                in a simple way to enable learner love and enjoy mathematics. Here,
                                                                                                the teacher remains a facilitator and not the source of knowledge.
                                                                                                 •  Relevant, well drawn full colour illustrations.
                                                                                                 •  A variety of competency-based learner-centered activities that
                                                                                                 help learners to develop a wide range of skills.
                                                                                                 •  Suggestions for parents’ involvement in the continuous learning
                                                                                                 process at home.
                                                                                                 •  Songs and poems to help learner to understand the content and
                                                                                                 make Mathematics enjoyable.
                                                                                                 •  Indoor and outdoor activities that learners do in pairs and in
                                                                                                 groups as they help each other to learn.
                                                                                                 •  Fun spot in every unit.  GRADE  GRADE
                                                                                                The  book  has  an  accompanying  Teacher’s  Guide.  The  author,  Joash
          56-390-3     Great Minds Mathematical Activities Grade 1 TG  Joash Wamalwa     250.00
                                                                                                Wabwile  Wamalwa,  is a  competent author and seasoned tutor  of
                                                                                                Mathematics and Science in the Competency-Based Curriculum.
                                                                                                 ;ZkYWj[ š ;db_]^j[d š ;cfem[h
                                                                                                East African Educational Publishers East African  Publishers Educational
                                                                                                /BJSPCJ t ,BNQBMB  t %BS FT 4BMBBN t ,JHBMJ t -VTBLB t -JMPOHXF  EAEP  Joash Wabwile Wamalwa
           ISBN         TITLE                               AUTHOR                       PRICE
           56-453-5     Super Minds Music Activities Grade 4 PB  Joshua Mutaaru, Shadrack Adoyo  195.00
           56-466-5     Super Minds Music Activities Grade 4 TG  Joshua Mutaaru, Shadrack Adoyo  50.00
                                   WORKBOOKS – GRADE 4
           ISBN       TITLE                                  AUTHOR (S)                                PRICE
           56-444-3   EAEP Workbook Music                    J. Mutaaru, S. Adoyo                      340.00
           56-446-7   EAEP Workbook Science and Technology   E. Osugo, R. Aggatha, J. Charana          340.00
           56-450-4   EAEP Workbook Agriculture              F. Kalei, B. Mmbaka, B. Makumbi           340.00
           56-445-0   EAEP Workbook Mathematics              L. Nyaranga, D. Sabwa, J. Wamalwa         340.00
           56-442-9  EAEP Workbook English                   A. Ngigi, J. Maina, K. Otieno             340.00
           56-448-1  EAEP Workbook C.R.E                     H. Mwasiaji, S. Muriithi, Z. Ndung’u, N. Mwongela  340.00
          56-449-8   EAEP Workbook Social Studies            D. Njue, E. Kimeu, C. Muchiri             340.00
          56-443-6   EAEP Kitabu cha Mazoezi Kiswahili       M. Banda, S. Otieno                       340.00
           4                 The Peak in Publishing
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