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Hot Weather Modi es Project Schedule
By Susan Hann, PE, AICP, director of planning and project management
The last installment in this series was a poem en tled ‘Twas the Night before School Starts” and re ected upon the intense pace and volume of work that was accomplished over the summer in prepara on for teachers and students returning to school. Since school has been open for a few months, the facili es team is working through some of the challenges now apparent with buildings opera ng in very hot and humid weather.
One of the things we’ve learned from previous summers is that we don’t always know the extent of system performance issues un l the system fails to perform. Causes might range from a manufacturing defect to incomplete control systems or failures of equipment that was not slated for replacement. Power source inconsistencies can also a ect system performance. All of these issues look the same to the teachers and students who are experiencing warm classrooms.
As a result, our emphasis in August and September was
to diagnose and resolve all of the issues that become
apparent with system opera on. Some mes the diagnosis is obvious and some mes it takes quite a bit of sleuthing and experimen ng to  gure out the cause and solu on – especially if more than one issue is contribu ng to the problem.
The important thing to know is that the project management team and the plant opera ons and maintenance team are working together (some mes with the environmental, health and safety department and energy as well) to troubleshoot any challenges that are noted once the schools are in opera on. Thank you to our school administrators, teachers and students for your pa ence while we work through any issues in your school.
Another new issue this year is that some equipment was not shipped by the manufacturer in  me for summer installa on despite early ordering and assurances to the contrary. Also,
the expanding economy is contribu ng to high demand for trades and contractors.
As we an cipate a further  ghtening construc on marketplace, we have already started planning and design work for several summer 2018 projects listed here (as well as a few summer 2019 projects).
• Coquina Elementary
• Rockledge High
• Cocoa High with classroom addi on • Croton Elementary
• Lewis Carrol Elementary
• Williams Elementary
• Mila Elementary
• Golfview Elementary
• Creel Elementary
• South Lake Elementary
Security projects are ongoing. Most o ce interior work was accomplished over the summer. Fencing is ongoing, with security comple on expected a er spring break summer 2018. Parents should already be seeing changes at most schools.
Educa onal Technology is wrapping up major structured cabling projects at Atlan s, Longleaf, Meadowlane Primary and Melbourne High and technology equipment renewal is ongoing.
Although we are currently upda ng our  nancial report for the next Independent Ci zens’ Oversight Commi ee mee ng on October 18, as of July 31, the sales surtax revenue to
date had been 90 precent spent and encumbered. What
that means is that the sales surtax revenue is being rapidly deployed and invested in our schools. Surtax revenues con nue to track ahead of the ini al projec ons; however the impacts from Hurricane Irma will not be known for a few more months.
Several non-surtax funded projects were accomplished
in summer 2017. These include air condi oning gyms at DeLaura, Kennedy and Jackson middle schools; serving line renova ons at West Shore and Melbourne High; reloca ng 15 portable classrooms; track resurfacing at Cocoa and Satellite; pool resurfacing at Merri  Island and a grant- funded stormwater retro t project at Merri  Island that reduces water pollu on and provided a new synthe c athle c  eld.
Brevard Public Schools
Program Expo
November 4, 2017
Educational Services Facility
2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

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