Page 9 - Sharks teeth to tail
P. 9
F A C T S Based on on on reconstructions archaeologists have estimated that the megalodon’s jaws
were 9 ft ft (2 7 m) m) tall and 11 ft ft (3 4 m) m) across which is far larger than any shark living today Megalodon compared
to a a 6 ft (1 8 m) tall person 35–60 ft (10 7–18 3 3 m) long Megalodon Species name: Otodus megalodon Size: 35–60 ft (10 7–18 3 3 m) long Weight: 30–60 tons tons (27 2–54 4 4 metric tons)
Distribution: All over the world’s oceans 3 6 million years ago Sharks are ancient and not like “they remember black- and-white television” old—more like “older than the first trees” old The first trees trees date to the Middle Devonian period about 380 million years ago but the first sharks
date to the Silurian period 440 million years ago—that’s
The fossil record suggests that this great hunter
of the deep mostly ate WHALES sixty million more years of of sharks
than of of trees!