Page 3 - StoryBoardSept2016
P. 3

Great ideas come from every sector of our organization and when people from various departments and schools; with differing responsibilities all come together, an outstanding idea forms. This is exactly what happened when representatives from both the instructional side of the house and support personnel began the solution oriented phase of the Superintendent’s Staff Advisory Council (Advisory). With permission to create solutions to some of
our challenges and a budget generated from advertising revenue, these hard-working individuals decided they would create a morale-building event and the first BPS employee picnic was the result.
Advisory is divided into three work groups that focus on improved morale, communications, and increased resources for schools. These teams worked collaboratively yet with their own focus area to communicate and plan the event, which included obtaining support from numerous business partners who provided free food samples and many great prizes.
There were two goals for this event. The first was to provide a venue in which we could honor
the hard work of all of
our employees in a fun
and relaxing format. The
second was to remind
each of us that we play a
unique role in the success
of our students. Whether
you drive a school bus,
maintain facilities, work in
administration, feed our babies, or provide direct instruction to students, YOU make a significant difference in their lives.
Personally, I had an amazing time getting to know you and your families. And, I continue
to hear from you about the great experience you had at the picnic. While we can never
truly convey how valuable you are to us, I’m so thankful that my Advisory helped me celebrate your accomplishments as the best staff ever. For those of you who couldn’t attend, watch for future opportunities to come. I can’t wait to see you at the next appreciation event.
Dozens of BPS music teachers presented their collective talents at a Melodies and Masterpieces concert this summer. Performing groups included a brass choir, string ensemble, woodwind ensemble and women’s vocal ensemble.
“We have an incredible pool of talented teachers working with our children here in Brevard,”
said Betty Jo Couch. “They work tirelessly
with students to nurture talent and promote appreciation of the arts.”
BPS music teachers gather together to perform this past summer.
BPS STORYBOARD - September 30, 2016 - VOL V, ISSUE 2 - PAGE 3
Catching up with Dr. B
Music Teachers Spotlighted in Concert
For picnic photos, see page 8.

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