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Brevard Public Schools educates students in a child-centered envi- ronment that promotes and develops literacy and understanding of mathematics, social studies, language arts and scientific concepts. In this environment students are viewed as active participants who are encouraged to explore, manipulate objects, question, take risks, work cooperatively, think, feel, trust and evaluate themselves. The teacher’s role in this environment is to facilitate learning rather than to only dispense knowledge. It is in this environment that students become responsible for their learning and behavior.
Grade Level Standards
The Florida Standards have been established in the areas of lan- guage arts, mathematics and social studies. The Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) are established for science. These grade-level standards list key benchmarks for student progress.
English Language Arts
BPS’ English Language Arts (ELA) Program integrates instruction of reading, writing, grammar, and speaking & listening in order to develop and refine students’ literacy.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for grades K-6 Florida Journeys is the district adopted ELA textbook series. District-created units utilize the text from this program to support standards aligned instruction. The instruction is systematic, balanced, and research-based, building success with every lesson that is introduced and
reinforced. Foundational skills are built from kindergarten forward. Deep comprehension tasks include discussion about texts
and writing in response to texts. The series provides quality
texts, balancing literature and informational reading opportunities for students. Support for differentiated instruction is included.
Writing instruction in the Florida Journeys includes lessons on how
to improve students’ abilities in the writing process and in responding to what they have read. The standards-based curriculum follows a progression from kindergarten to sixth grade that develops writers who use the craft to learn, think and communicate across the disciplines, stressing the linkage between writing and reading. These lessons follow a logical sequence to build students’ confidence and skill. The qualities of writing are identified through the instruction of Six Traits (Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Fluency, and Conventions) and are applied through process writing (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing). This instruction is designed to produce mas- tery of oral and written communication.
The spelling component for grades 1-6 of the Florida Journeys program will be used as the district-adopted spelling curriculum. This component creates a connection to reading in using words
that reflect the vocabulary, word study (etymology, morphology,
and syllable types), and phonics components of the grade level texts.
Grammar is addressed in Florida Journeys via embedded lesson re- lating to writing. The authentic texts included in the textbook provide quality language for study of appropriate grammar and usage in a mentor text method.
In addition to the resources available in Florida Journeys, district-created documents are
available for additional instruction in literacy.
Elementary Programs

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