Page 5 - New Direction
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Super Yummy and Healthy snack that bene ts your body and actually increases brain power!
APPLES have a powerful vitamin called “querce n” which protects brain cells. They are naturally fat free and low calorie. They provide dietary ber that helps you feel full longer and aids in growth of the good bacteria in your system that helps ght o sickness.
NUTS: Choose your favorite
Pecans are a good source of Vitamin B3 – the perfect op on for gh ng fa gue because this vitamin helps access the energy in our food.
Walnuts and Almonds are rich in omega-3 fa y-acids which play a crucial role in brain func on such as building brain cells and improved memory.
Last, but de nitely not least: CHOCOLATE: (Oh yeah!!)
Dark chocolate boosts your mood and improves memory and focus. Why do we love chocolate? It produces chemicals called endorphins in our brain that lead to feelings of contentment.
Also, the avonoids in chocolate improve blood ow to the
brain which in turn boosts memory, a en on span, reac on me, and problem-solving skills. Make sure the chocolate is DARK! (Milk chocolate
contains less of the original cocoa bean and is o en diluted with processed sugar and cream.) Using semi-sweet chocolate chips will be ne.
Words of Wisdom
Source of Recipe: Pinterest. Kate Thorn, Aug. 24, 2015.
Whatever were your results, were your inten ons.
Blame is really “bla - me.” It’s not my fault!
Procras na on
No decision is a decision.
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those for whom you care to be who they want to be without having to sa sfy you.
Happiness is a choice. We choose to be happy.
A tude
A tude is a choice.
We choose our reac ons.
I want to be the person
my dog thinks I am.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. You train others how to treat you by how you treat yourself.
Goals are dreams... with deadlines.
Courage is how far you
bounce a er you hit bo om. Courage is going from failure to fail- ure without losing your enthusiasm.
Integrity is being honest when no- body is looking.
Pain is wisdom in disguise.
Con ict
Clarity always follows con ict.
Super Yummy and Healthy snack that bene ts your body and actually increases brain power!