Page 51 - Supers School booklet 2023
P. 51

   Lewis Carroll Elementary
  Grades: K-6
 Mission: The mission of the Lewis Car-
roll Elementary School is to create positive connections with students so they believe in themselves and go on to become future lead- ers in their homes and in the community.
Vision: Our vision at Lewis Carroll Elementary School is to create a brain-compatible environment where students can achieve their personal best both academically and socially. Parent and community involvement are critical to the edu- cation of each child. Teachers facilitate learning by creating a nurturing environment and providing a diversity of expe- riences that are assessed in equally diverse ways. Students take responsibility for their behavior and learning; their per- sonal best is defined by LIFESKILLS. By achieving academic and personal excellence, students can become contributing members of the community.
  Jenifer Born
• School-wide Yearlong Lifeskills Instructional Plan
• Conscious Discipline Anchor School
• Glasser Quality School
• Blended Learning
Academic Excellence
• 3 to 6 accomplishments for the past school year
• Designated an A School
 • School Grade Indicators for FSA ELA, FSA Mathematics, and Science increased for a total of 67 points
 1 Skyline Blvd •
Merritt Island, Fl 32953 • Phone: 321 452 1234
Mascot: Dolphin

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