Page 53 - Supers School booklet 2023
P. 53
Lockmar Elementary
Grades: PreK-6
Vision: Where Minds Open Enrollment: to The Future
Mission: Lockmar parents, staff, and students will strive to achieve our mission for excellence:
ACHIEVEMENT – To continue the pursuit of outstanding academic performance
CURRICULUM – To monitor our curriculum and up- date technological areas for the future needs of our children and society
UNITY - To unify the staff, students, parents and members of the community to mold Lockmar into extended family
RESPECT – To develop self-esteem, respect for others and positive attitudes
COMMUNITY – To use all resources in providing enrichment experiences for our students
Kathleen Campione
Academic Excellence
• Significant Growth in iReady reading and math Spring Diagnostic. Reading 25% increase, Math 22% increase
• 2020-21YouthTruthSur- vey highest rated themes: Instructional Methods and Engagement
• 35%ofteachersatLockmarholdaMaster’sDegreeorhigherin their field
• 2020 Established a school Food Pantry to support Lockmar Families, provided 140 holiday meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas to Lockmar Families.
• Strong Partners In Education Program
• Support from local Churches for campus beautification projects
• LargeexceptionaleducationprogramincludingVE-PreK, Blended VPK, Supported and Participatory, ESE Resource and Gifted
Mascot: Knight
525 Pepper St., N.E. • Palm Bay, Florida 32907
• Phone: 321 676 3730