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Greetings from President & CEO, Ken Stein

            2023 Board of Directors

                       Rob Bull               Dear Friends,
                   The Compass Group
                     Willa Burke              In the middle of the 19th century, the homes of two founding fathers,
                    Jujamcyn Theaters         John Hancock and George Washington, were in danger of being torn
                    Shane Burkett             down. The press covered the potential destruction of the two sites with
                Agile Ticketing Solutions, LLC  horror, and the divergent fates of these homes encapsulates the history
                   Christine Delaney          of historic preservation in the United States. While the Mount Vernon
                   Tibbits Opera House        Ladies Association raised funds to purchase the president’s mansion
                   Steven Ehrenberg           from his nephew and continues to own and operate the property today,
                   Eberg Stage Solutions      Hancock’s home was sold and torn down to construct new residences.
              Becky Hancock (Board Chair)     And so began America’s rocky beginning to historic preservation.
                    Tennessee Theatre
                    Maica Jordan              It is easy for all of us to focus on our stage or our screens, and more
            Austin Theatre Alliance / Paramount &   specifically the programming that adorns them. But, in truth, the history
                    Stateside Theatres        of the buildings that contain them… the experiences and memories of
                    Alycyn Keeling            the patrons who attended the shows… the story of your space is every
                    Wallace Theater           bit as compelling as your current programming. Your theatre still stands
                   Chris Loeser, AIA          for a reason. Someone or some group at some point decided not to tear
                      DLR Group               it down.
                    Keith Marston
                 The Shubert Organization     As you attend the conference and network with your peers from around
                    Randy McKay               the nation, I encourage you to remember that you are not at a theatre
                Carolina Theatre of Durham    conference; you are at a historic theatre conference. The historic
               Amy Mladjen IIDA, NCIDQ        distinction is the difference, and that distinction could be the difference
               Mills+Schnoering Architects, LLC  between Washington’s home and Hancock’s home. Once it is torn down,
                      Tony Sias               you can never get it back.
                   Karamu House, Inc.
                 Stephanie Silverman          To all you preservation warriors out there, welcome to Kansas City and
                    Belcourt Theatre          the 47th Annual League of Historic American Theatres Conference.  And
                    Kevin Sullivan            to all the arts and entertainment professionals and artists with us, thank
              National Trust Insurance Services  you for keeping our historic theatres relevant today.
                    Carol Wallace             Honestly, it feels like I just saw many of you in Cleveland. It is hard to
                  San Diego Theatres, Inc.
                                              believe that was a year ago. I’m just so glad we can do this yet again.

                  BOARD EMERITUS
                   Dana Amendola              With sincere appreciation for the work you do,
                  Disney Theatrical Group
                    Molly Fortune
             South Carolina American Revolution
                Sestercentennial Commission
                   Jeffrey W. Gabel           Ken A. Stein
             Gettysburg College’s Majestic Theater  President & CEO
                   Maureen Patton
                The Grand 1894 Opera House
                     Bill Register
           Nederlander Producing Co. of America, Inc.

                                                    47th National Conference & Theatre Tour      July 2023   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 1
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