Page 32 - Fall 2019 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
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LEAGUE of historiC AmEriCAn thEAtrEs

          ALLiEd mEmbErs / sErviCE ProvidErs dirECtory

        These businesses are members of the League of Historic American Theatres. They specialize
        in, or are otherwise committed to, the successful preservation, rehabilitation and operation
        of historic theatres. Keep this guide and directory handy to ensure that you are working with
        someone who loves your historic building as much as you do.

        Agile Ticketing Solutions                              Americans for the Arts

        Contact Information:                                   Contact Information:
        Becky Roubos, Director of Sales                        Randy I. Cohen, Vice President of Research and
        3810 Central Pike, Suite 301, Hermitage, TN 37076      Policy                                     1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, 6th Floor,
        (615) 360-6700                                         Washington, DC 20005                     
                                                               (202) 371-2830
        Company Description:                         
        Agile Ticketing Solutions’ venue management
        software provides best-in-class event planning,        Company Description:
        donor, membership and marketing technologies           Founded in 1960, Americans for the Arts is
        for theatres, art houses, performing art centers,      the nation’s leading nonprofit organization
        museums, film festivals and more! From the box-        for advancing the arts and arts education.
        office to donor relations and memberships, Agile       From offices in Washington, DC and New York
        Ticketing Solutions is designed to empower your        City, we provide a rich array of programs that
        operations and excite your patrons.                    meet the needs of over 150,000 members and
                                                               stakeholders. We are dedicated to representing
                                                               and serving local communities and to creating
        Akustiks, LLC                                          opportunities for every American to participate in
                                                               and appreciate all forms of the arts. Americans
        Contact Information:                                   for the Arts’ mission is to serve, advance, and
        C. Russell Todd, Principal                             lead the network of organizations and individuals
        93 North Main Street, South Norwalk, CT 06854          who cultivate, promote, sustain, and support the
        (203) 299-1904                                         arts in America.
                                                               AMS Planning & Research Corp.
        Company Description:
        Acoustical design blends an appreciation for the       Contact Information:
        performing arts with scientific understanding to       Steven A. Wolff, CMC, Founding Principal
        create special places for artists and audiences.       107 John Street, Southport, CT 06890
        Akustiks is dedicated to creating these special
        places, concert halls, opera houses, drama             (203) 256-1616
        theatres, historic theatres, multi-use performing
        arts auditoria and amphitheatres, wherever
        sound plays a critical role in our perception.         Company Description:
                                                               AMS is committed to the value of arts, culture,
                                                               and entertainment in communities. Our purpose
                                                               is to help leaders, institutions, and the sector

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