Page 3 - Historic Theatre Guide to Funding Sources
P. 3

Greetings from President & CEO, Ken Stein

              2021 Board of Directors

                      Willa Burke
                   Jujamcyn Theaters         Dear Friends,

                       Rob Bull
                  The Compass Group          I remain excited about the future of the League of
                                             Historic American Theatres. This might have been your
                    Shane Burkett
                 Agile Ticketing Solutions   first pandemic, but many of our theatres have been here
                                             before. Historic theatres are, by their very nature, survivors.
                    Laura Corman             As you continue on your road to recovery, we hope this
              Educator/Community Volunteer   Funding Guide is of help.
                   Christine Delaney
                   Tibbits Opera House       Please know that any grant directory is out of date the day
                   Steven Ehrenberg
           Ambassador Theatre Group / ATG North   it is published.  Foundations can change prioroties and
                       America               funding requirements at any time.  The amount of funding,
              Molly Fortune (Board Chair)    deadlines and/or program availabilities listed in this guide
                 Newberry Opera House        are subject to change. Please check with the organization,
                    Becky Hancock
                   Tennessee Theatre         foundation and/or agency for funding amounts, deadlines,
                    Alycyn Keeling           program availability and eligibility requirements.
                   Wallace Theater           The League does not have additional information about
                   Chris Loeser, AIA         any of the programs listed, and is not responsible for
                      DLR Group              the accuracy of the information provided.  Each of the
                    Keith Marston
                 The Shubert Organization    interactive links will take you directly to the funder’s online
                    Randy McKay              information.  In some cases, you may need to hunt a bit
                    Carolina Theatre         once you get to the site, but we tried to get you as close as
                   Maureen Patton            possible to the page displaying information on the particular
               The Grand 1894 Opera House    grant/program listed.

               Michael Schnoering, FAIA
              Mills+Schnoering Architects, LLC  This Guide focuses primarily on historic preservation and
                       Tony Sias             rehabilitation.  However, on page 3 are some other
                   Karamu House, Inc.        resources that may be of interest as you build your grant
                  Stephanie Silverman        program. Please remember that Grant writing is a long
                    Belcourt Theatre         game.  It requires lots of advance planning and preparation
                      Ken Stein
                         LHAT                followed by extended periods of waiting.   Good luck!
                     Kevin Sullivan
          Maury, Donnelly & Parr, Inc. / National Trust
                   Insurance Services
                                             With very kind regards,

                   BOARD EMERITUS
                   Dana Amendola
                 Disney Theatrical Group
                       John Bell
                     Tampa Theatre           Ken A. Stein
                   Jeffrey W. Gabel          President & CEO
            Gettysburg College’s Majestic Theater
                      Bill Register
               The Nederlander Organization

                                                       LHAT Guide to Historic Theatre Funding Sources       INLEAGUE  | PAGE 1
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