Page 47 - November 2017 inLEAGUE Resource Guide (Vol. 40, No. 5)
P. 47
Company Description: solutions for theatres, arenas and conference
Veezi is a cloud-based cinema software solution, centers, serving a diverse client roster of
created for Independent Cinemas. Engineered nonprofit organizations, municipalities and
by Vista, Veezi has all the benefits small cinemas universities throughout the United States.
need and leaves out the stuff they don’t. Now Our services include facility planning &
Independents all across America can run their development, administration and finance,
cinema from anywhere – 24/7. And because operations, box office, programming, HR,
Veezi is subscription based, cinemas only pay food & beverage, security & safety, and sales
for what they use. V-Tix is Veezi’s customizable & marketing. Over the past two decades,
internet ticketing platform which increases VenuWorks has remained focused on its
sales and thanks to Veezi, smaller independent core mission to maximize the presentation of
cinemas can sell tickets on Fandango too. With successful events at our clients’ venues for
all the bells and whistles, Veezi has Independents the cultural, recreational, educational and
covered. From a queue busting UsherPoint app, economic benefit of the communities we
fantastic film programming and Loyalty system, serve. With a staff of over 3200, VenuWorks
to a full featured POS and reporting. Power to the manages venues in ten states. Notable among
Independents! these venues are seven historic theatres, each
with its own unique challenges, and each
with a rich legacy to share. It is our job to
Vendini, Inc. successfully address those challenges in order
to sustain and grow the legacy.
Molly Babich, Special Events Coordinator
660 Market Street V.I.P. Tours of New York
San Francisco, CA 94104 Contact:
(800) 901-7173 Dr. Joseph S. Rosenberg, President 320 W. 38th Street, Suite 1003
New York. NY 10018
Company Description:
Founded in 2001, Vendini is an all-in-one (212) 247-0366
system to help organizations easily promote
events, take donations, and leverage mobile
ticketing and customer insights. Vendini has Company Description:
helped thousands in the live event industry Our tours are private and custom-designed
deepen experiences with their audiences — for groups of all sizes. We are a boutique
and ultimately sell more tickets. There are lots Destination Management company, with
of places Vendini calls home, including San a reputation based on the sophistication,
Francisco, Boston, New York City, Los Angeles, warmth, and personal treatment with which
Knoxville, TN, and Petaluma, CA. our programs are planned and carried out.
Our forte is custom-designing programs which
match precisely the interests and budget
VenuWorks of our clients. We guarantee our guests
memorable experiences which they would
Contact: not be able to have if they traveled on their
Steven Peters, President own. We custom-design fundraising and
4611 Mortensen Road, Suite 111 bond-building behind-the-scenes theatre
Ames, IA 50014 and architecture tours for Board Members and Patrons of historic and LORT theatres.
(515) 232-5151 Our primary destination is New York, but we also take groups to London, Chicago, and
Company Description: Edinburgh.
Founded in 1996 Venu
Works provides full-service management
Resource Guide & Directory November 2017 INLEAGUE | PAGE 45