Page 21 - The_Millennium_School_Annual_2019-20
P. 21

As educators,
                     “A parent is a                                                                                        providing quality
                     teacher at home                                                                                       education to our
                     and a teacher is a                                                                                    children remains
                     parent in school                                                                                      our top priority.
                     and we believe                                                                                        Everything a child
                     that the child is                                                                                     accomplishes as an

                     the centre of our                                                                                     adult has its roots
                                                                                                                           adult has its
                     universe.”                                                                                            in his/her school.

                                                                                                                        Our approach is the
                Our philosophy is based
                on the belief that                                                                                      combination of the best
                children deserve nothing                                                                                of various approaches
                but the ‘Best’. Since                                                                                   followed by different
                pre-school and                                                                                          play schools. The salient
                kindergarten is the first                                                                               features of the
                educational level for a                                                                                 well-known and
                                                                                                                        accepted methods of
                child, he
                child, here in Little                                                                                   accepted methods of
                Millennium we ensure                                                                                    imparting preschool
                that the roots of all life                                                                              skills were taken and
                skills of the children are                                                                              developed into an
                nurtured and nourished                                                                                  eclectic approach to
                properly.                                                                                               transact the process of
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