Page 10 - LHR Motorcycle Magazine May 2024
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As technology continues to advance across various industries, the motorcycle industry is
no exception. The latest advancements in motorcycle technology focus on improving
safety, performance, connectivity, and environmental sustainability.
Here are some of the cutting-edge Quick Shifting and Auto-Blipping:
developments: Quick-shifting technology allows seamless gear
changes without using the clutch or closing the
Electric Motorcycles: throttle. Auto-blipping downshifts provide smooth
The rise of electric motorcycles represents a transitions between gears, enhancing
significant shift toward sustainable transportation. performance and rider comfort. These features
Leading manufacturers and startups are are found in various sport and sport-touring
producing electric bikes with impressive motorcycles.
performance, longer ranges, and quick charging
capabilities. Advanced Materials and Lightweight Design:
Examples include the Harley-Davidson LiveWire, Manufacturers are incorporating advanced
Zero SR/F, and Energica Ego. materials, such as carbon fiber and lightweight
alloys, to reduce overall motorcycle weight without
Connectivity and Smart Features: compromising strength. Lightweight design
Modern motorcycles increasingly incorporate contributes to improved fuel efficiency, handling,
connectivity features, allowing riders to integrate and acceleration.
their bikes with smartphones and wearable
devices. These systems provide navigation, music Augmented Reality Helmets:
streaming, call handling, and even bike Some companies are developing helmets with
diagnostics. BMW Motorrad's ConnectedRide, augmented reality (AR) displays, providing riders
Ducati Multimedia System, and Yamaha's MyRide with essential information, navigation prompts,
are examples of such technologies. and even rear-view camera feeds directly in their
field of vision. This technology aims to enhance
Advanced Rider Assistance Systems (ARAS): situational awareness without distracting the rider.
ARAS includes features like adaptive cruise
control, blind-spot monitoring, collision warning Variable Valve Timing (VVT):
systems, and traction control. These technologies VVT adjusts the timing of the opening and closing
enhance rider safety by providing real-time of the engine's valves, optimizing power delivery
feedback and assistance. Some models, like the and fuel efficiency across different RPM ranges.
Ducati Multistrada V4 S, feature radar-based Motorcycles like the Yamaha Niken GT feature
systems for adaptive cruise control and blind-spot this technology, enhancing performance and
detection. responsiveness.
Cornering ABS and Traction Control: Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVT):
Advanced braking systems, such as cornering CVTs eliminate the need for traditional gears by
ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), optimize brake providing a smooth, continuous range of gear
performance based on the motorcycle's lean ratios. Some scooters and automatic motorcycles,
angle. Traction control systems help prevent like the Honda Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES
wheel spin during acceleration by adjusting power DCT, feature CVTs for a user-friendly and efficient
delivery. These technologies enhance safety and riding experience.
control, especially in challenging riding conditions
Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs): These advancements collectively contribute to
IMUs are becoming more common in a new era of motorcycles, combining
motorcycles, providing precise data on a bike's performance, safety, and sustainability. As
pitch, roll, and yaw. This information is used to technology continues to progress, riders can
optimize various systems, including ABS, traction expect even more innovations that enhance
control, and electronic suspension, contributing to their riding experience and redefine the
improved stability and handling. capabilities of motorcycles in the future.