Page 43 - LHR Magazine Nay 24
P. 43
Avoiding over-leaning on a lightly applying the brakes while leaning
into a turn to help stabilize the motorcycle
motorcycle is crucial for maintaining stability and control speed.
and control, especially when navigating curves and · Gradually release the brakes as you
corners at higher speeds. Over-leaning occurs progress through the turn, maintaining a
when a rider leans the motorcycle too far into a smooth and consistent throttle input to
turn, increasing the risk of losing traction and maintain traction and stability.
potentially causing a low-side or high-side crash. 5. Smooth Throttle Control:
Here are several tips to help riders avoid over- · Use smooth and progressive throttle
leaning: control throughout the turn to maintain a
1. Proper Body Positioning: steady speed and prevent abrupt changes in
· Maintain a balanced and centered acceleration or deceleration.
posture on the motorcycle, with your upper · Avoid sudden throttle inputs or
body relaxed and your arms slightly bent. abrupt acceleration, which can unsettle the
· Use your lower body to initiate and suspension and lead to loss of traction.
control the lean angle by shifting your 6. Stay Within Your Skill Level:
weight toward the inside of the turn while · Know your limits and ride within your
keeping your upper body upright. skill level, gradually building confidence and
· Keep your head and eyes up, looking proficiency over time.
through the turn toward the exit point, · Practice riding on a variety of roads
which helps maintain a smooth and and in different conditions to develop your
controlled line through the curve. cornering skills and become familiar with
2. Countersteering Technique: the handling characteristics of your
· Practice proper countersteering motorcycle.
technique, which involves applying gentle 7. Regular Maintenance and Tire Checks:
pressure to the handlebars in the direction · Ensure that your motorcycle is
you want to turn. properly maintained, with tires inflated to
· Instead of leaning your body the correct pressure and in good condition.
excessively, focus on applying smooth and · Check tire tread depth, wear patterns,
gradual pressure to the handlebars to and overall condition regularly, as worn or
initiate the lean angle, allowing the underinflated tires can affect traction and
motorcycle to lean into the turn naturally. stability, increasing the risk of over-leaning.
3. Adjust Speed Appropriately: 8. Take Advanced Riding Courses:
· Enter curves and corners at an · Consider enrolling in advanced riding
appropriate speed based on road courses or track days where you can receive
conditions, visibility, and your skill level. professional instruction and practice
· Slow down before entering the turn advanced cornering techniques in a
to reduce the need for aggressive leaning, controlled environment.
especially on tight or unfamiliar roads where · Experienced instructors can provide
visibility may be limited. valuable feedback and guidance to help you
refine your cornering skills and improve
· Practice trail braking, which involves overall riding proficiency.