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66 March 2020 AgriBrasilis
杀线虫剂/微生物杀菌剂 所有农作物都有胆线虫,病线虫,白霉病 All crops
Bacillus subtils + Nematicide/
Biotrop Furatrop CNPSo 2657 Microbiologic occurring Gall Nematode, Lesion Nematode, White
fungicide mold
Rainbow Cozobin Xtra Azoxystrobin + 杀菌剂 Fungicide 玉米 Corn, 大豆 Soybean, 小麦 Wheat
Rainbow Azonimbus Xtra Azoxystrobin + 杀菌剂 Fungicide 玉米 Corn, 大豆 Soybean, 小麦 Wheat
广灭灵360 g/L CS
Oxon Brera 360 CS 除草剂 Herbicide 稻米和灌溉稻米 Rice, Irrigated Rice
Clomazone 360 g/L CS
杀虫剂/微生物除螨剂 所有农作物都有咖啡果甲虫,玉米叶蝉,粉虱,二
Insecticide/ 斑叶螨和秋季夜蛾 All crops occurring Coffee
Biovalens Boveria-turbo SC Beauveria bassiana
Microbiologic Berry Borer, Corn Leafhooper, Whitefly, Two Spotted
acaricide Spider Mite and Fall Armyworm
All crops occurring Cadra, Cautela,
SulBracon Ectoparasitoide de larvas Habrobracon hebetor Biological agent Ephestia elutelia, Ephestia, kuehniella, Plodia inter-
punctella, Sitotroga cerealeila
棉花 Cotton, 花生 Peanut, 稻米 Rice, 香蕉 Banana,
红薯 Sweet Potato, 秘鲁苹果 Peruvian Ground
Apple, 甜菜 Beet, 可可 Cocoa,咖啡 Coffee, 腰果
Cashew, 甘蔗 Sugarcane, 紫山药 Purple Yam, 杨
桃 Star Fruit, 柿子 Persimmon, 胡萝卜 Carrot, 柑橘
草甘膦铵盐 Citrus, 豌豆 Peas, 桉树 Eucalyptus, 豆类 Bean, 豇
Albaugh Shadow K Glyphosate - 除草剂 Herbcide 豆 Cowpea, 无花果 Fig, 烟草 Tobacco, 姜 Ginger,
ammonium salt 番石榴 Guava, 鹰嘴豆 Chickpeas, 芋头 Yam, 扁豆
Lentils, 苹果 Apple, 木薯 Manioc, 木薯 Cassava, 香
菜 Parsley, Hancornia, 玉米 Corn, 芜菁 Turnip, 萝
卜 Radish, 转基因玉米 Corn (GMO), 松树 Pine, 大
豆 Soybean, 转基因大豆 Soybean (GMO) Wheat,
葡萄 Grape
Zeta+Bifentrina CropChem 棉花Cotton, 桉树Eucalyptus (苗圃nursery, 玉米Corn,
Cropchem Bifenthrin + 除草剂 Herbcide
EC 大豆Soybean
棉花Cotton, 花生Peanut, 土豆Potato, 咖啡Coffee, 洋
氯氰菊酯+丙溴磷 杀虫剂和杀螨剂
Cipermetrina + Profenofós 葱Onion, 豌豆Peas, 豆类Beans, 西瓜Watermelon,
CropChem Cypermethrin + Insecticide/
CropChem EC 玉米Corn, 黄瓜Cucumber, 白菜 Cabbage, 大豆
Profenophos Acaricide
Soybean, 番茄 Tomatoes, 菜豆Common bean
CHDS Quaty 毒莠定Picloram 除草剂 Herbcide 稻米 Rice, 甘蔗觉桉树 Sugarcane, Eucalyptus
Carfentrazone-ethyl +
Ouro Fino Inédito Glufosinate - 除草剂 Herbicide 棉花 Cotton, 玉米和大豆 Corn, Soybean
ammonium salt
Rainbow Galoponda Xtra 阿特拉津+甲基磺草酮 除草剂 Herbcide 甘蔗和玉米 Sugarcane, 玉米和大豆 Corn
Atrazine + Mesotrione
Rainbow Mesteriso Xtra 除草剂Herbcide 甘蔗和玉米 Sugarcane, 玉米和大豆 Corn
Atrazine + Mesotrione
棉花 Cotton, 花生 Peanut, 稻米 Rice, 燕麦 Oat, 大
AllierBrasil Midash 吡虫啉 Imidacloprid 杀虫剂 Insecticide 麦 Bearley, 豆类 Beans, 玉米 Corn, 大豆 Soybean,
小麦 Wheat
生菜 Lettuce, 棉花 Cotton, 六出花 Alstromeria, 土豆
Potato, 秋海棠 Begonia, 鸡冠花 Celosia, 白菜 cab-
bage, 大白菜 chinese cabbage, 球芽甘蓝 brussels
吡蚜酮 sprouts, 花椰菜 cauliflower, 菊花 chrysanthemum,
Cropchem Apure 500 WG Pymetrozine 杀虫剂 Insecticide 烟草 tobacco, 非洲菊 gerbera, 芙蓉 hibiscus, 西瓜
watermelon, 瓜 melon, 兰花 orchid, 黄瓜 cucumber,
一品 红 poinsettia, 白菜 cabbage,玫瑰 rose, 番茄
啶氧菌酯250 g/L SC
Cropchem Picoxistrobina 250 SC Picoxystrobin 250 g/L SC 杀菌剂 Fungicide 棉花 Cotton, 豆类 Bean, 大豆 Soybean
肟菌酯 500 g/kg WG
Cropchem Trifloxistrobina 500 WG Trifloxystrobin 杀菌剂 Fungicide 柑橘 Citrus, 苹果 Apple
500 g/kg WG
棉花 Cotton, 稻米 Rice, 灌溉稻米 Irrigated Rice,
土豆 Potato, 甘蔗 Sugarcane (种植、再生 plant
Tagros Fipintar 250 FS 芬普尼 250 g/L FS 杀虫剂 Insecticide and regrowth), 大麦 Barley, 桉树 Eucalyptus, 豆类
Fipronil 250 g/L FS
Beans, 玉米Corn, 牧草 Pasture, 大豆 Soybean,小
麦 Wheat