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Guided by his leadership, serving with dedication
To our dearest Dr. Gandhi Sir, Though you may be Today, I remember and pay tribute to our
gone, your vision and legacy continue to inspire and beloved founder, Dr. Jagdish Gandhi
guide us. Your unwavering commitment to creating a whose tireless efforts and unwavering
better world through education, peace, and unity dedication brought our school into
remains a beacon of hope for generations to being.Sir, your dream of providing quality
come.As a pioneer and advocate for world peace education to future generations has
and one world government, you dared to dream of a inspired countless minds and transformed
world where nations and peoples could live in lives. Your selflessness, perseverance, and
harmony.We remember your infectious passion, your passion for education continue to guide
generosity of spirit, and your unwavering us.I honor your memory by striving to
optimism.May your legacy continue to inspire us to uphold the values you instilled in our
strive for greatness, to embrace our diversity, and to institution: excellence, integrity, and
work together towards a brighter future.Rest in compassion. May your legacy continue to
peace, dear sir. Your memory and spirit will forever inspire us to shape the minds of
be etched in our hearts. tomorrow. Sir, your impact will never be
Yours truly and sincerely, forgotten.“
Raisa Fatima, Anshika Agarwal
Primary Teacher Primary Teacher
With gratitude from the Staff