Page 166 - Minutes of meeting
P. 166
The Education Challenge
On completion of KS4, only 4% of pupils have not found a sustained post KS4 destination (such as education, apprenticeship or
employment), which is in line with Cumbria (4%) and below the national average (5%). Notably, there is a greater propensity
towards apprenticeship destinations in Barrow (15% of pupils, compared to 4% nationally) which contributes to a lower rate of
progression to other forms of education (76%) relative to England as a whole (87%). This has been led by the growth of
apprenticeships at BAE Systems in Barrow.
A similar pattern is observed in the destinations of 16 to 18 year old pupils. The breakdown of education destinations reveals
that in Barrow, only 13% of pupils pursue higher education destinations, which is significantly lower than both Cumbria (30%)
and England (35%). However, Barrow pupils are more likely to progress into other forms of further education (13% relative to
10% in England) which may reflect the nature of the education on offer in Barrow.
Pupils destinations after completing KS4, 2018/9 Pupils destinations after completing KS5, 2018/9
* Estimated as the average of schools in Barrow.
Source: Find and Compare Schools in England, DoE, 2019 * As captured by the destinations of Furness College pupils.