Page 172 - Minutes of meeting
P. 172

The Education Challenge

   Spotlight on…University of Cumbria

   The University of Cumbria was established in 2007 in response to government recognition of Cumbria as a higher education
   cold spot, bringing together St Martin’s College, Cumbria Institute of Arts, and UCLAN Cumbria sites.  UoC has its
   headquarters in Carlisle, with major campuses in Ambleside, Lancaster, London and a formal presence in Workington and
   Barrow. In 2018/19, UoC had 9,200 students of which undergraduates accounted for 77%. Of this undergraduate population:

   ▪ 38% studied subjects allied to medicine

   ▪ 13% studied business and administration

   ▪ 9% studied creative arts and design

   ▪ 8% studied to obtain qualified teacher status

   Postgraduate studies are focused on PGCE’s (33%) or subjects allied to medicine (38%). The University has a strong local
   catchment, with 28% of undergraduates from Cumbria, and a further 27% from Lancashire or Greater Manchester.

   UoC has close working relationships with major employers in Barrow, including delivering courses to BAE Systems through the
   Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership, with the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust through
   the Institute of Health; and working directly with schools in the Barrow Cluster through the Institute of Education.

   UoC work in partnership with Furness College, and in 2018/19 there was 157 students studying at the College for a UoC award
   across a range of subjects including health and social care, computing, business management and engineering.

   Looking ahead, UoC are exploring opportunities to extend provision in Barrow to address identified major skills gaps in
   higher level skills and to help retain talented young people in the area. Areas of identified opportunity include advanced
   manufacturing and health care.

      Source: University of Cumbria
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