Page 207 - Minutes of meeting
P. 207
The Housing Challenge 2018 Change since 2013
Tenure & Condition Privately Owner Public and Privately Owner Public and
rented occupied social rented occupied social
Private renting is less prevalent in Barrow, with around 5% fewer Barrow-in-
residents renting their accommodation from a private sector landlord. Furness 15% 74% 10% -4.8% 5.1% -0.3%
Similarly, Barrow has over 11% more owner occupiers as a proportion England 20% 63% 17% 0.7% 0% -0.4%
of residents than England. This reflects a shrinking proportion (-4.8%)
of private renters and growing proportion of owner occupiers (+5.1%)
in Barrow since 2013, compared to the relatively static national trend. Proportion of housing stock by build period, Barrow and
Barrow has a substantially smaller proportion of social and public
sector renters than England as a whole, with 10% of housing tenure in
Barrow – 7 percentage points less than England. There has been little
change in this proportion since 2013, with a decrease of just 0.3%,
virtually mirroring the national trend.
In 2018, Barrow saw approximately 18 net additional dwellings per
10,000 residents, compared to around 43 net additional dwellings per
10,000 residents across England. Both figures were up approximately
70% from 2013. As such, whilst Barrow has experienced growth in
housebuilding in line with England, far fewer dwellings are being
constructed relative to the size of the population.
Barrow’s housing stock is generally much older than the national
average. Almost half the residential properties in Barrow were
constructed before the second World War, with a further third
constructed between 1900-1939. Properties built after 1982 make up
only 14% of the borough’s housing stock, compared to over 25% in
England as a whole. A recent stock modelling report identified between
18-21% of privately owned and privately rented housing in Barrow
have category 1 Housing Health and Safety Rating System hazards.
Copyright © Hatch 2018. All Rights Reserved. Data source: Council Tax Stock of Properties, 2018; MHCLG, Net Additional Dwellings by Local Authority;
BRE Stock Modelling Report, 2019