Page 85 - Minutes of meeting
P. 85
Summary Implications – Socio-Economic Challenges (cont’d)
+ Barrow is a recognised HE cold spot. Participation in HE by age 19 in Barrow is 28% compared to 40% in England.
However, there is greater propensity towards apprenticeship destinations in Barrow which could, in due course, support further
progression to higher level qualifications. Barrow has a strong FE offer, and an emerging HE offer which can support the
development and attraction of talent to the town.
+ A large proportion of Barrow’s Town Deal area is highly deprived, with 30% of LSOAs featuring in the 10% most deprived
nationally. Characteristics of deprivation include income deprivation affecting children and health deprivation. Children living in
workless households are a strong feature, and social mobility is relatively low in the town.
+ Barrow’s coastal peripheral location contributes towards a relatively self contained travel to work area. The poor connectivity
hampers the ease of accessing employment opportunities both within, and outside, the town.
+ Barrow has a strong natural capital offer to support tourism and leisure activity, and facilitate health and well-being.
+ Barrow is relatively well-served by digital connections, however opportunities to tackle not-spot locations should be sought.
+ Barrow provides good access to affordable housing, however housing choice is limited, and the condition of private
sector stock is markedly poor posing health and safety hazards.
+ The industrial market in Barrow has experienced buoyant conditions of late, and there are supply limitations in the existing
industrial offer. The retail market is challenging in Barrow, with high vacancy rates and declining rents.
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