Page 91 - Minutes of meeting
P. 91

The Productivity Challenge

 Composition of the Economy

                    Barrow has a unique economic composition with
 GVA by Industry, 2018 (£m)
                    strong specialisms in manufacturing which has

                    driven the high levels of productivity growth over
                    the past 5 years. The top five contributors to
                    Barrow’s GVA are:

                    + Manufacture of metals, electrical products and
                         machinery (£525m and 34.3% of total)

                    + Human health and residential care activities
                         (£113m and 7.4% of total)

                    + Agriculture, mining, electricity, gas, water and
                         waste (£108 million and 7% of total)

                    + Land, water and air transport (£108 million and
                         7% of total)

                    + Retail trade (£102 million and 6.7% of total)

 Source: Regional GVA (Balanced), ONS, 2019
   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96