Page 217 - Draft
P. 217
2020 -2021
Facility Work Orders
The Buildings and Grounds department continues to utilize an electronic work order system to
provide a safe and efficient service to our students and staff. The system allows teachers, staff
and supervisors to enter a work request. The supervisors then review, schedule and track all work
orders that are entered into the system. We also utilize the electronic system to store all HVAC
assets and have created a preventative maintenance schedules in which work orders are
automatically generated for the supervisors to schedule, monitor the maintenance and repairs
throughout the district. This provides the district with a simple one stop program to schedule and
track all the district preventative maintenance for our facilities. The system also generates email
notifications when the work orders are assigned to the proper employee and allows the employee
to created notes and updates for the originator to review and finally close out work orders when
completed. This system also is setup for electronically managing internal and external facility
space rental.
As of March 2021, 1,821 work orders have been generated for the Buildings and Grounds team
to complete.