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Click here to book COVID Vaccination appointments provided by Cook County Health at
Thornton South Fractional High School.
The district has certified, classified, and exempt positions available. Please encourage highly
skilled people to apply for positions that they may be qualified for. Vacancies are listed
at Search under Human Resources; click on employment.
Those Who Excel Award: Nomination Window Opened March 1, 2021
District 227 will participate in the Those Who Excel Awards Program for the third consecutive
year. Our goal is to nominate and bring recognition to all essential workers who are going above
and beyond what is required to meet the needs of our students. We can only have one winner in
each category, so the following process was created:
1. Mr. Varn sent out the nomination form for staff and students to nominate exceptional
people deserving of recognition.
2. The nominees will be given an application packet by Mr. Varn.
3. Once the completed applications packets are turned into the Principal's office, the campus
administrators will review applications and then forward to the DLT.
4. The finalist will submit a biography to Dr. Echols and Global 360 will take a professional
5. All nominees will be honored at a Board meeting.
As a district team, we will work with you at the building level to identify outstanding
Administrators, Teams, Volunteers, Student Support Personnel, and Educational Service
Personnel. There are five categories, and we can nominate only one person per category.
Who is Eligible: Everyone who works in a school is eligible to be nominated.
• Teachers
• Student Support Personnel
o School nurse, psychologist, social worker, school counselor, or speech/language
• Educational Service Personnel
o Aides/paraprofessionals, cafeteria workers, custodians, administrative assistants,
bus drivers, resource officer
How Does It Work: Someone with firsthand knowledge of your individual qualities and
skills has to step up and tell the panel why you are so amazing and deserving of