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P. 353
139 employees have completed Phase 2
31 employees have registered
If you need assistance, would like to join the wait list, or are hesitant to receive the vaccination
and require additional resources, please contact Human Resources.
Seniority List
Certified and classified staff seniority lists have been released to union presidents are posted in
the building. Please check the seniority list and notify Human Resources if there are any
Senate Bill 7 List
The Senate Bill 7 list will be released no later than Monday, March 8.
Thank you for taking the time to read this important information. Feel free to reach out to the
appropriate person if you have additional questions.
You may also follow us on social media:
· Facebook: @District227 @richtownshiphs
· Twitter: @District227 @DrJohnnieThomas @richtownshiphs
· Instagram: @district227_ @richtownshiphs
· Superintendent's Message on our district website:
Your continued support of Rich Township High School District 227 is appreciated and vital to
ensure student success.
Dr. Johnnie Thomas