P. 4

DECEMBER 2020                                                              VOLUME I, ISSUE II
                                   COVID CURVES?

            It’s easy to see how you might gain weight                The classic textbook example is that if a lion
     during the pandemic, especially if you are spending       was chasing you after lunch, you wouldn’t be
                                                               concerned about digesting your sandwich.  The
     most of your time at home. Comfort food recipes
                                                               sympathetic nervous system would act effectively to
     have been trending on Google. You find yourself
                                                               shut down digestion, direct blood flow away from the
     thinking that a cookie sounds good—or a beer. So          belly and out towards your arms and legs for quick
     as sheltering-at-home restrictions ease up, people        moving and up to your brain for quick thinking. On a

     are becoming concerned about “COVID Curves”               physiological level, your body doesn’t differentiate
     and the “Quarantine 15”. Did you know when you're         between a lion chasing you and your boss yelling at
                                                               you.They both trigger the body to shut off digestion
     relaxed you burn more fat, and when you're
                                                               and store fat. This decreases our metabolic power.
     stressed you accumulate more fat?

            Digestive stress — when you feel bloated                  Have you ever heard of a hormone
     or undigested after you eat—is about 25% what you         called cortisol? This is the hormone that is

     eat and 75% who you are being when you eat. Now,          released when we are stressed out. Studies show that
                                                               increased cortisol in the system leads to fat
     eating under stress is not only commonplace, it’s
                                                               accumulation. So, people who tend to gain weight
     socially acceptable and often a prerequisite for          primarily around the belly, likely experience chronic
     managing a job, a family, or having a life. When          low-level stress as excess cortisol production has this

     moving through life too fast, we inevitably eat fast,     strange effect of fattening up the belly.
     which destroys our metabolism and creates
                                                                      What’s the number one way to stop
     digestive upset. It results in meals eaten under a
                                                               producing so much cortisol? The answer is to
     physiologic stress response and diminishes our            slow down. If you eat breakfast in five minutes, make
     calorie-burning power. The slower you eat, the            it ten. If you normally take 10 minutes, bump it up to
     faster you metabolize. The more relaxed you are           15. Another way to slow down is to give yourself at
     throughout your day, the more energy you will             least 20 minutes for lunch and dinner, something
                                                               called "The 20-Minute Meal".
     have. You can eat the healthiest meal on the planet,
     but if you eat it in a stressed out, anxious state,
                                                                      Did you know that breathing can help?
     your digestion is dramatically diminished.                When we are in a stressful state, if we consciously

            The autonomic nervous system is                    adopt the deep and rhythmic breathing pattern
     responsible for digestive activity, and there are two     characteristic of the relaxed state, we fool the central
                                                               nervous system. The result is a shift from a state of
     branches. The parasympathetic is also known as
                                                               low digestive activity to full digestive force. With any
     the rest and digest, or feel and heal, response. This     meal or snack, anytime food is about to pass across

     is the optimal state for digestion and healing. When      your lips, ask yourself, ‘Am I about to eat under
     the parasympathetic is activated, metabolic power         stress?’ If the answer is yes, pause and take ten long,
     increases. This means when we are relaxed, we             slow, deep breaths. Box Breathing, and the "5-5-7

     actually burn more fat. The sympathetic is also           Breath"are some popular breathing techniques.
                                                               You’ll find that you are more focused, more
     known as fight or flight. This is our stress response.
                                                               productive and more energized.
     When we are stressed out, it shuts down.
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