Page 21 - Yuvadwani
P. 21
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Influence Of Social Media
Among Teenagers
Social media is an impulsive platform for
us to depute our lifestyles and viewpoints.
Teenagers are the ones who are greatly liked
to be noticed by the society. But nowadays
teens are living just for changing their life
according to the trends which may or may Aaron Babu
not be good. Just like a coin having two faces, St Andrew’s Marthoma Church,
social media also has two sides,
the good and the bad way
As a widely exposed public platform,
teenagers can use it for spreading the sweet-
ness of God’s Love and care. We can trans-
form other’s lives through the pathway of
social media. It will be a great privilege for
us to be an ‘Ambassador’ of God. Spreading news is
more easier now than before. Our social media usage
should bind with the rules played by God. As I said ,our lives shown
through social stages should depict Christianity and not our negativity
Nowadays social media platform is not only used for doing
good things but also for devilish activities.There is a saying that “lies
spread faster than fire”. Thus if we choose to spread unwanted messages,
it will soon become a believed truth. The wrong usage of social platform
is the prime reason for increasing sins. The main problem is widely
seen among teenagers. These wrong usage of social media is poisoning
our culture and society. We are made to live upto the rules laid down by
God, but following wrong path is our fate, but confesion is there . People
following the wrong path are increasing day by day.
We, the teens are the rolemodels for
next generation.It‘s through our deeds that could bring a drastic
inflence over others lives.
Only we can follow the right path which God made us to choose
- bp-h-[-z-\n- 21