Page 2 - Introduce Someone-3
P. 2



               It is the first day of

               Anwar is going into
               the new class.

               He is a new student
               of islamic                                         KELAS BARU ANWAR

               elementary school
               Nurul Islam                                        Sekarang adalah hari

               Pongangan.                                         pertama sekolah. Anwar
                                                                  akan masuk ke kelas baru. Ia

                                                                  adalah murid baru di MI
               He is in the fourth                                Nurul Islam Pongangan.
               grade now.

               He has just moved                                  Dia sekarang duduk di kelas
                                                                  empat. Dia baru saja pindah
               from Jakarta, he                                   dari Jakarta, Dia lahir di

               was born there.                                    sana. Ayahnya adalah
               His father is a pilot.                             seorang pilot. Ibunya adalah

               His mother is a                                    seorang ibu rumah tangga.
                                                                  Dia memiliki satu kakak laki-
               housewife.                                         laki dan satu kakak

               He has one elder                                   perempuan.
               brother and one

               elder sister.
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