Page 39 - Shorthorn Magazine
P. 39

                 bone standing on good legs and feet. Perhaps the class proved so difficult to spilt because they were all Bushmills Jazz daughters. The 2nd class seemed a little easier to place with a clean spilt between the top and bottom three. The top 3 cows were real dairy cows showing great capacity and correctness in the udders, the placing of these three came down to individual preferences for how they were split.
Everyone was invited to give reasons and a total of 27 chose to do so, it was a pleasure to listen to some of the breeds
top judges speak on how they had placed the classes. While scores were calculated we all tucked into lunch provided by the Rees family after a quick a look round the recently installed new rotary parlour, the results were announced. 1st in the juniors was Jill Pugh Lokier, with Bob Crank in 2nd and Harry Collins in 3rd on placings alone. 3rd in the seniors was William Griffths, 2nd Ian Collins and 1st Wendy Young, congratulations to all. A special thank you must go to Stuart Williams who did a great job in judging and answering questions. We then headed off to look round the herd which
Young members have lessons in showmanship
comprises of Dairy Shorthorns and British Fresians. The Rees’ operate a late summer autumn calving system so a lot of the cows were in late lactation but both breeds show uniformity with tremendous width through the pins and great capacity on an economic herd. A thoroughly enjoyable day was had by all who travelled from North, South, East and West to attend the day.
A massive thank you to the Rees family for hosting and everyone who played a part in a successful weekend!!
    L-R Judge Stuart Williams with Winners Wendy Young, Jillian Pugh-Lokier, William Griffths & Ian Collins
Shorthorn 39

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