Page 93 - Beltex Year Book 2024
P. 93

Irish raider, Matthew Burleigh, from Kinawley Road, Shanra,
Enniskillen, saw his best two sell for 4000gns apiece, with the
first of these being Matt’s Heineken ET which stood third at the
pre-sale show. His sire is the private purchase, Buckles Fizzy Pop,
while his dam is the 11,000gns Hackney Elanor, an Airyolland
Asulam daughter. He caught the eye of F and MP Allinson and
Son, Baldersdale, Barnard Castle.
Also hitting 4000gns when sold to the judge of the pre-sale
show, Jonathan Frankland, of Frankland Farms, was the
unshown Matt’s High Ball ET which again is by the Buckles Fizzy
Pop ram but this time out of the Matt’s Defender daughter,
Matt’s Equipped.
Fellow Northern Irish breeder, Gary Scott, also welcomed a good
trade with a top of 3000gns followed at 2100gns and a further
four at four-figure prices. Selling to Robert Garth for his Keasden
Flock near Clapham for that 3000gns was the Tullylagan Figo-
sired Bessy Bell Hardy, which is bred from the Mortons Charles-
sired Bessy Bell Fine.
Local buyer, JS Stephenson, Bordley, paid 2100gns for Bessy
Bell Hanky ET, another by the Figo ram but this time out of the
Kingledores Dazzler daughter, Bessy Bell Fiesty, from the flock
near Mountjoy, Omagh, County Tyrone.
James Whiteford and son, Jack, from near Brampton, saw their
dearest also sell to the Rodney Brothers Plant team, this time for
2400gns. Bred out of the Airyolland Aragon-sired Tercrosset
Diana, Tercrosset Harlequin is another by the Artnagullion Feux
Celebrating a strong day’s trading were Brian and Sabine Hall
whose class-winning ram lamb, Ainstable Jukebox ET, also
realised 2400gns when knocked down to Johnny Aiken for his
Vogue Flock near Hesket Newmarket, Wigton. By the same
Kingledores Engleburt that bred the couple’s 30,000gns
shearling sold at Carlisle, Ainstable Hammer, Jukebox’s dam is
Matt’s Clinker, a Hackney Wonderboy daughter.
The Halls, from near Carlisle, also received 2000gns from SA
Rural Services, Charing Heath, Ashford, for Ainstable Honorable.
His pedigree features the Black Jack Casanova sired Ainstable
Femme Fatale and Smart Ass Dark Horse.
First of two at 4000gns for Matthew Burleigh was
Matt’s Heineken ET
Gary Bell saw his dearest, Bessy Bell Hardy, sell for 3000gns
The other 4000gns sale for Mr Burleigh was Matt’s High Ball ET
Topping the ram lamb section at 2400gns was
Brian Hall’s Ainstable Jukebox ET

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