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 Simon Sinek wrote a set of rules to work with. As a matter of fact many leaders have some simple rules that they work with and that keep them on track. Sinek’s why, how, what can be applied to different situations. Mostly as a leader you are focussed on success, on the team you want to work with. Many leaders are also happy to start small, to make mistakes, to learn from it. See the animation clip No funding needed
Sinek’s 10 rules for success
1 Break the rules – Just don’t get in the way of anyone else doing what they want.
2 Train your mind – Learn to interpret your body’s feelings as excitement rather than nervousness.
3 Be patient – Things take a while to achieve.
4 Take accountability – Sometimes you’re the problem, look closer to
5 Outdo yourself – Don’t focus on outdoing others. Be better than
6 Stack the deck – Put yourself in the position of empowerment by
surrounding yourself with those that want you there.
7 ‘Be the last to speak’ (practice being last – Nelson Mandela) – Hold
your opinions to yourself until everyone else has spoken. Others will feel they have been heard, that they have contributed. You get the benefit of hearing what everyone else thinks before you render your opinion. If you agree with someone, don’t nod ‘yes’, if you disagree, don’t shake ‘no’, simply sit there, take it all in, and ask questions so you can understand what they are speaking about, where they stand, and why they have the opinion they have – not just what they are saying.
8 Be Authentic – Don’t lie – you can’t form trust otherwise. Say and do the things you actually believe, because the things you say and do are symbols of who you are, and we look for those symbols, so we can find people who believe what we believe, our survival depends on it. Put out false symbols and you’ll attract people who don’t believe what you do and you won’t be able to form trust with them.
9 Find your Passion – Passion is an energy, it is a feeling. Do things that you love, that you enjoy.
10 Start with Why – Why we do what we do – our purpose, belief, why we exist.
(Sinek, Docker, Mead, 2007)

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