Page 36 - Sustainability and entrepreneurship for CSO's and CSO networks Cambodia 1 November 2018
P. 36

 • Tips
To mobilise resources effectively, it is important to
• Treat donors and other funders as long-term partners, do not concentrate on a one-time only transaction; see a grant as a means of building a long term relationship (Sprinkel Grace, 2001)
• Try to get hold off the funders’ needs and wants and address these if you have decided that this funding agency fits into your business and your ambitions.
• Market what you want to achieve, not what your organisation needs. Demonstrate investors how they can contribute to your ambitions (Sprinkel Grace, 2001)
• Ambitions are appealing. Do not try to sell problems or impossibilities
Show commitment, make clear that you invest in your own projects or
operations (with money, time etc)
• Show that there is a demand for your services among your clients and other
relevant stakeholders. It is important to demonstrate that the target
population is involved in the development of the project or activity
• Build trust, make clear what you can and can not do, that you conducted a feasibility analysis, make clear what your assumptions are, etc. Show your
most impressive milestones.
• Exchange knowledge and see the collaboration beyond the financial
transaction (Sprinkel Grace, 2001)
• Emphasise the importance or urgency of your organisation or activities.
What would happen if your organisation did not exist?
• Explain how you will continue the project beyond the project duration.
• Task
Complete the following checklist
 Question   yes no
 Is your funding model clear?
Are you aware of the costs and benefits of the funding sources your organisation uses?
Is there enough equity available within your organisation for new projects?
Does your current funding model helps you to reach your mission in an effective and sustainable manner?
Do you frequently research what potential funders and investors exactly want or need?
Are potential funders and investors systematically and frequently updated?
Does your organisation have good project / business plans and presentations as well as adequate "elevator pitches"?

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