Page 38 - Sustainability and entrepreneurship for CSO's and CSO networks Cambodia 1 November 2018
P. 38

CSOs and their networks have a connecting function between (I)NGOs, government institutions, private sector and the communities. The networks bind CSOs, provide services, create other networks and are to seek the best option for CSOs to function, to be effective, to be strong. These networks can remain small but also need a certain mass and income to be effective: to hire a secretary, to pay for office, overhead and meetings. For this matter each CSO network at provincial level in Cambodia may require 8 - 10.000$ per year.
In this chapter we focus on resources that can be used to make a CSO or its provincial network future proof. We will not elaborate on project proposals and project writing; CSOs and their networks at sub-provincial level at this moment have insufficient substance and scale to compete for funding from international donors. Aiming for local resources, in kind or in cash, maybe more useful. Since these resources are normally limited, the focus will be on collaboration and earned income.
Economies of scale
In all cases, to be successful, you need economies of scale, meaning that your organisation should be strong enough to do the job, to manage the organisation to keep your costs low and to grow. For this matter it is more than often wise to collaborate, to form consortia, to merge or to start a new business, when your organisation is unable to move.
Individuals do contribute to non-profit organisations, by volunteering, contributing money or in-kind donations.
Volunteering in Cambodia is not as widely spread as in Europe and the US. It could however be a good addition to staff shortages. Volunteers could perform fixed tasks, during a certain period of time, strengthen the CSO and the community in which the CSO operates. The volunteer can bring his or her expertise and in return the experience is a job on the volunteers CV. When taking in volunteers it is advisable to set terms of reference in a volunteers contract explaining the tasks, rights, duties and code of conduct.
Have a look at the website of Cambodian Volunteers for Community Development Organisation for information and reference.

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