Page 40 - Sustainability and entrepreneurship for CSO's and CSO networks Cambodia 1 November 2018
P. 40

 Business - CSO partnerships
 (Source: CECP
CECP is a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) led coalition that believes that a company’s social strategy — how it engages with key stakeholders including employees, communities, investors, and customers — determines company success. The picture shows how much leading companies have spent on giving in cash, volunteering and how many employees were involved in Corporate Social Activities (CSA).
Companies support non-profits in various ways, by making cash or in-kind donations (materials, facilities, expertise and services). Many corporations allow their staff to volunteer and help non-profit organisations to fulfil their mission.
The cooperation between companies and non-profit organisations takes another form when they build strategic alliances or consortia. For instance, when a non- profit allows a company to use its logo on one of its products and is compensated for the extra profit that’s been made thanks to this cooperation, one can speak of a strategic alliance. Many successful initiatives started between large companies and large CSOs (e.g. Unilever/Oxfam). Smaller CSOs can benefit from strategic alliances when they can create a match of mutual interests. There is a risk when the

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