Page 42 - Sustainability and entrepreneurship for CSO's and CSO networks Cambodia 1 November 2018
P. 42
Case - Smiling Gecko Cambodia
Smiling Gecko Cambodia is a multi-factor organisation with 5 goals:
• Fight hunger and poverty
• Education and vocational training for young
Benefit to the community • Ecology
• Economy
and 6 pillars:
• Education (village school project)
• Agriculture (family project)
• Trade (Carpentry)
• Tourism (farmhouse, restaurant)
• Industry (sustainable garment education
and production)
• Competence centre, vocational training
(Industrial training and education)
Partly auto-financed, partly subsidised by Smiling Gecko Switzerland (
The idea, in the end is, to have a self-sustained
community, earning its own income, co-subsidised by the Cambodian Government (education, healthcare).
The Swiss supporting agency raises resources through events, private donors, corporate sponsors, foundations and universities.
In the early sixties, Swiss companies were the very first to open a dairy farm, a cheese factory and a beer brewery in Central Bhutan. The region has become one of the most prosperous regions in the country.