Page 53 - Sustainability and entrepreneurship for CSO's and CSO networks Cambodia 1 November 2018
P. 53
A prosperous period of over 20 years for Cambodian CSOs at national and sub national level, is nearing its end. Availability of budgets from international donors can no longer be taken for granted. This is mostly felt at stand alone CSOs in the provinces of Cambodia. Next to the financial situation for CSOs the civic space in Cambodia (and beyond) is shrinking. Legislation and improved government control require CSOs to be clear and transparent in their activities. Internal management processes and competition increasingly burden CSOs organisational capacity. CSOs are also trained in a language and working style that nobody outside the sector, including government departments, understand. Compared to a decade ago the CSO sector has lost part of its influence, its relevance and its reputation to other sectors in society. There is a risk that the precious and unique knowledge, experience and infrastructure of Cambodian CSOs will further decline in the years to come. To some extent, this is part of life. Nevertheless, the CSO sector at this moment is still strong enough to adapt, to innovate, to use its strengths and networks to anticipate to the current and expected environment in the Cambodian civil society.
I sincerely hope that this publication inspires you and encourages you to set a next step in your existence as Civil Society Organisation in Cambodia.
This publication is just the start, and by no means an end product. I invite everyone to add, correct, or send me suggestions for additional text, chapters and figures - I will publish a 2.0 version later this year and will include your name and contribution when applicable.
Henk de Jong March 2018