Page 51 - Sustainability and entrepreneurship for CSO's and CSO networks Cambodia 1 November 2018
P. 51

You have to re-think your plan and see if it is feasible. A quick scan can provide you with a selection of ideas that are worthwhile to develop and research. It is important to assess whether new ideas match with your financial possibilities and your mission.
Marketing research can be done through interviews with potential customers (test panel), to see whether they fancy your product, already buy similar products, what they find important about your products and services, the way it is delivered etc. You can use questionnaires as well. Sites like make it easy to build and distribute professional questionnaires online and collect the answers in an easy way. Furthermore, simple marketing research can be conducted through desk research using the internet (how big is the market, is the market growing or not, what competition are we facing, what is our target population like, where do they live, how can we reach them? etc). As said before: don’t think too much, don’t write to many reports, take risks and try.


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