Page 49 - Sustainability and entrepreneurship for CSO's and CSO networks Cambodia 1 November 2018
P. 49

CSOs will increasingly face difficulties to explain their contribution to Cambodian society, due to shrinking influence, impact (less budget, increased overhead and inward orientation) and visibility. In terms of marketing it is important to prove and demonstrate your ability to solve issues in society. Prove that you are not only willing but also able to make society better and based on that, claim that you can contribute better when you collaborate with other sectors in society.
• Task
Contemplate how you are marketing yourself to date and which position you want to communicate in the future.
Marketing 3.0
Marketing has changed. According to Godin (Godin, 2010), marketing is no longer sending but giving. Marketing is dictated by what customers want and not what you want to offer. Companies that adhere to new marketing principles, as Godin states, look upon their customers as subjects, with whom they communicate, and not as an object or target of their communications (Godin, 2010)).
Furthermore, they see a customer as a valuable ‘asset’, who is not only buying services or products, but also provides valuable input and feedback, helping the organisation to develop new products and services for existing and new customers. Today’s marketers communicate directly with their customers, via e-mail, blogs, Facebook, Twitter and other relevant ways. They are aware of the fact that their customers are in control. Companies who want to sell, by all means, communicate with customers. Companies that use old marketing techniques forget that customers ignore their messages. It’s not the quantity that matters but the quality. Good marketers tell stories people want to hear (Godin, 2010).
Be different
Why are you in business? Ask the why question all the time. It gives you an insight in your motives, drives, and ambitions. Use the why in your communication.
Look for an inspiring example at TED Talks, Simon Sinek
Company communication and marketing messages are the same in many aspects. Godin calls non-profits and companies who are different purple cows. He states that successful companies are not in the middle but at the border. ‘They are super cheap, super expensive, super quick, super slow, really big or very small ‘ (Godin, p. 35, 2010). It is important to know the uniqueness of your products, services, price, lifestyle etc. Organisations can differentiate by price, the way in which the product or service is delivered, opening hours, image, warranty, dINGOunts, etc.
For example: in financial difficult times, customers like dINGOunts or the promise to avail goods at a cheaper price. On the other hand also the top-end market often flourishes in financial difficult times: Prada and Louis Vuitton were well sold during the past economic crisis and in relatively poor countries like Cambodia. People like to buy life style products and show presence at times when they feel insecure.

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