Page 5 - LWFC Catalog
P. 5


  Tuesday, October 19 EST                                                                      Tuesday, October 19 EST

                              TRACK 1                           TRACK 2                            TRACK 3
                     Moderator - Milton Gomez           Moderator - John Kevern           Moderator - Jesse Rauser

        1PM -     David Arellano, University of
       1:50PM     Memphis | A Framework for
                  Lightweight Fill Selection

        2PM -     Binod Tiwari, California State     Jack Moore, ESCSI; Ed Tavera,  Michael Givens, Group Delta
       2:50 PM    University Fullerton; Jeff         GeoStellar Engineering, LLC        Consultants, Inc.| Lightweight
                  Wykoff, Diego Villegas, Cell-      | Geotechnical Applications        Fill in Two Major Design-Builds
                  Crete Corp. | State of the         for Expanded Shale, Clay,          in Southern California”
                  Practice for Application of        and Slate Lightweight              SPONSORED BY:
                  Lightweight Cellular Concrete      Aggregate
                  in Geotechnical Engineering        SPONSORED BY:
                   SPONSORED BY:
        3PM -                      COFFEE BREAK - MEET & GREET WITH THE EXHIBITORS
       3:50 PM                TRACK 1                           TRACK 2                            TRACK 3
                    Moderator - Milton Gomez            Moderator - Mike Givens            Moderator - Kirk Roberts

        4PM -     Steven F. Bartlett, University of   Theresa Loux, Aero                David S Hallman, Applied
       4:50 PM    Utah | Design Considerations       Aggregates of North                Geologic LLC | Slope
                  and Applications of                America, LLC | Ultra-              Stabilization using Lightweight
                  Lightweight Materials for          Lightweight Foamed Glass           Pervious Cellular Concrete
                  Earthquake-Resistant               Aggregate in Roadway               SPONSORED BY:
                  Infrastructure                     Embankments and Walls
                                                     SPONSORED BY:

        5PM -     Keith Brabant, The Reinforced      A.T. Özer, Gebze Technical         Mark Creps, Elastizell
       5:50PM     Earth Company; Robert A            University; P. Caymaz,             Corporation of America |
                  Gladstone, Association for         Austrotherm Turkey; E. Türer,      Case Studies: Long Term
                  Mechanically Stabilized Earth      Austrotherm Turkey | Using         Performance of Cellular
                  (AMSE) | MSE Walls Using           Geofoam Block Technology           Concrete Fill in Geotechnical
                  Lightweight Fills – State of the   to Construct Staircases on         Applications
                  Practice and Case Histories        Compressible Foundation            SPONSORED BY:
                  SPONSORED BY:

      6PM - 8PM MEET & GREET WITH THE EXHIBITORS - Virtual Social Hour & Visit the Lounges!
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