Page 14 - LWFC Catalog
P. 14

PRESENTATION                       ABSTRACTS

                                 10AM -  Arqlite©:  Transforming  Non-recyclable Plastics  intoLightweight
                                10:50AM Construction  Materials  More  than  350  million  tons  of  plastics  are
                                            discarded  every  year.  Of  these  nearly  50%  cannot  be  recycled  cost-
                                            effectively  using  existing  technologies.  As  a  result,  annually,  nearly  170
                                            million  tons  of  non-degradable  plastic  waste  accumulates  in  landfills,
                                            dumps  and  watercourses,  thereby  polluting  the  environment.  Arqlite
                                            has developed a pioneering process to upcycle non-recyclable plastics
       Wednesday                            into  aggregates.  Our  proprietary  mechanical  conversion  process  cost-
                                            effectively  turns  1  ton  of  non-recyclable  plastic  waste  into  1  ton  of
           October                          Arqlite Smart Gravel. The process is energy efficient and presents a trivial
                                            consumable water demand (<0.05 ton per ton of production). Arqlite’s
                20                          Smart Gravel is a filler that is: (a) available in a variety of sizes: With the
                                            capacity of being produced on demand, the aggregate comes in three
                                            sizes:  micromini  (1.5-3.2  mm),  mini  (3-12  mm)  and  Regular  (12-25  mm),
                                            and (b) 3 times lighter (ρ = 0.9 g/cm3) than typical mineral gravel while
                                            offering 10 times better insulation (k = 0.25 W/m.K). Importantly, the Smart
                                            Gravel is inert and thereby well-suited for uses wherein it may contact
                                            moisture or vegetation. Recently, Arqlite has commissioned a new state-
                                            of-the-art manufacturing facility in California which is introducing Smart
                                            Gravel for use in structural and non-structural concrete in the U.S. market.
                                            These efforts are ongoing with our partners and collaborators including
                                            CEMEX, U.S. Concrete, Quikrete, and the Los Angeles Dept of Water and

                                 10AM -  Large-Scale  Testing  of  Lightweight  Cellular  Concrete  Backfill  for
                                10:50AM Retaining  Walls  Lightweight  Cellular  Concrete  (LCC)  offers  a  number
                                            of  advantages  for  use  as  a  backfill  material  for  retaining  structures
                                            in  comparison  to  conventional  soil  backfill.    This  lightweight  material
                                            decreases the stress imposed on compressible layers which significantly
                                            reduces the potential for settlement and damage to utility lines.  LCC also
                                            reduces the active earth pressures imposed on a retaining wall. LCC can
                                            be placed rapidly and is self-leveling. Despite these advantages, there
                                            is  relatively  little  information  to  guide  engineers  in  designing  cantilever
                                            or Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining walls using LCC backfills.
                                            To provide basic information on earth pressures wall displacements, and
                                            failure mechanisms for these structures, a series of large-scale tests have
                                            been performed at Brigham Young University. The test walls were 3 m (10
                                            ft) tall and 3 m (10 ft) wide and the backfill extended 3.8 m (12.5 ft) behind
                                            the wall.  The backfill was contained within a box with steel beams to limit
                                            lateral deflections and create a 2D failure geometry.  Surcharge pressure
                                            was applied to the surface of the LCC over an area extending 1.8 m (6
                                            ft) behind the wall. Tests were performed with both cantilever walls with
                                            unreinforced LCC and MSE wall panels with ribbed-strip reinforcements.
                                            Comparison tests were performed without any wall in place.  Without a
                                            wall, failure was induced with a surcharge pressure of about 275 kPa (40
                                            psi), despite the fact that the compressive strength of the LCC was about
                                            688 kPa (100 psi).  The steep, shallow failure surface was consistent with
                                            a Rankine active failure with an angle of 62°.  For the tests with walls in
                                            place, failure did not occur until the surcharge pressure reached about
                                            480 kPa (70 psi) owing to the increased lateral resistance wall resistance.
                                            Failure was ductile with increased lateral displacement at about the same
                                            surcharge  pressure.  The  failure  mechanism  was  bilinear  with  a  vertical
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