Page 5 - Ruanguru Company Profile Booklet
P. 5


                     Ruangbelajar:  Our  versatile  product  can  be  accessed  through  laptops  or
                     mobile  phones,  ensuring  convenience  for  all  users.  Within  Ruangbelajar,
                     you'll  discover  an  extensive  collection  of  educational  videos  featuring
                     animations,  detailed  problem-solving  discussions,  and  concise  study
                     summaries. These resources cater to students at the elementary, middle,
                     and high school levels, fostering effective learning across various stages of

                     Ruangbelajar Plus: This product offers the same services as Ruangbelajar,
                     with  the  added  benefit  of  students  being  part  of  engaging  study  groups
                     where they can directly interact and discuss with instructors.

                     Ruangles: This product offers personalized one-on-one learning between
                     an instructor and a student. Students can choose their preferred location
                     and schedule for learning to suit their needs.

                     Ruanglesonline: This product provides a 30-minute Q&A service via live
                     chat on Ruangguru. Students facing difficulties in solving problems can
                     seek consultation through Ruanglesonline.

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